From Spring each year, when the weather begins to get milder, our quiet dormant garden slowly comes to life again!
Lawn care is normally the first and most asked about topic each Spring and early summer, in this article we will take you through one very successful option for managing weeds, moss and feeding your lawn, a product called Westland Triple Care Lawn Feed.

Westland Triple Care Lawn Feed is a 3 in one weed, feed and moss killer for your lawn. It is herbicide free and acts by creating unfavourable growing conditions for weeds, suppressing the growth of common weed species such as dandelions, dwarf thistle and common ragwort. It contains optimum levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, the three major nutrients that optimise grass nutrition and health. Westland Triple Care is also supplemented with iron for moss control.
Ideal to use on lawns between March and October, once the threat of frost has passed. You will notice, this is when broadleaved weeds and moss are growing and you may want to control them in one application.
- Application Rate – 50g per square metre in Spring, this can be reduced to 32g later in Summer when moss and weeds are less problematic
- Available in 80m2 box or 350m2 bag
Directions for use:
- Apply during dry weather, ideally apply when light showers or heavy dews are forecast or irrigate after 1-2 days if no rain has fallen.
- Avoid applying during frosty or drought conditions.
- Delay cutting the lawn for at least 3 or 4 days after application to allow the granules to disperse and absorb.
- It is recommended to avoid walking on the grass until it has rained or your have irrigated the lawn.
- If you have newly sown grass seed or recently turfed an area, do not use this product for at least 6 months, give the lawn a good chance to establish first.
- If you need to re-seed bare patches, wait for 8 weeks after treatment
- The maximum number applications you can apply is 3 per year.
If you need any more help or advice caring for your lawn, you can call to our garden centre in Cork or call us on 021 4888134. We are open 7 days.